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G R E D D F’s Financial Management Solutions will transform your business’s potential

Are you looking to grow your business but finding the cost of taking on a seasoned financial professional too high ?

G R E D D F has the solution - tailored to your business’s needs whilst being flexible, versatile and cost-effective.

We understand the issues and challenges your business is facing - from starting up to the early stages of growth through to business maturity and exit strategy.

G R E D D F has the solution for your business at an affordable price.

G R E D D F’s Fractional Finance Director Service provides your business with a seasoned financial professional on a part-time basis. Tailored to your business’s needs to provide the financial support to achieve your business’s ambitions and objectives.

The benefits over employing a full-time Finance Director:

Flexible - Where and when your business requires Financial Management;

Versatile - Focused on what matters to your business;

Cost-effective - All the expertise without the financial commitment of a full-time executive;

Fast on-boarding - No lengthy interview process, notice period or payroll administration.

G R E D D F has the solution

Contact us now to book a free 30 minute discovery call

EMAIL info@greddf.co.uk TELEPHONE +44 7 4444 89289

Our dedicated professionals are available now. No lengthy recruitment process, notice period or on-boarding time. They will quickly become an integrated and valued part of your business; understanding it, providing value-adding solutions and supporting your business to achieve its goals.

Tailored Financial Leadership

Our flexible service allows your business to scale its financial leadership to its specific needs. This provides the exact level of support during fundamental stages such as growth, restructuring or strategic planning.

To all types of businesses this is cost-effective compared to employing a full-time Finance Director.

Focused Approach To Financial Strategy

This is not a short-term consultancy service. We bring a wealth of experience to your business, allowing it to benefit from Financial Management Solutions without committing to a permanent role.

Our focused approach will ensure your financial plans align with your business’s objectives, a necessary contribution its long-term financial sustainability.

Risk Management, Governance And Compliance

We will assist you in safeguarding your business’s financial integrity.

Ensuring that financial practices align with current laws and regulations, our service aims to mitigate financial risks and navigate the complexities of compliance.

Special Projects

From brain-storming through to implementation GREDDF will support your business in all stages of special projects to ensure financial integrity is maintained and strengthen within them.

Finance Optimisation

Maximise the use of your existing finance software, ensure financial procedures are actively benefitting your business processes, automate robust financial processes, implement financial modelling and integrate finance software with your transaction systems.

Additional Services

Spreadsheets - From simple forms to complex financial models we can build robust spreadsheets for your business. Our spreadsheets are built on three underlying principles 1) Ease of data input 2) dependable information 3) secure output.

Training - We can provide training on all areas of finance to help you, your employees and even your stakeholders to ensure that they understand the financials of your business and how they integrate with their role.