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G R E D D F’s Financial Management Solutions will transform your business’s potential.

Without Financial Management, your business is exposed to internal and external risks that could undermine its future, restricting its potential and limiting the success of strategic life-cycles.

❌ Cashflow volatility.

❌ Pricing diluting profitability.

❌ Uncontrolled spending.

❌ Debtors and creditors diverting resource.

❌ Inaccurate financial information.

❌ Inability to obtain funding.

G R E D D F has the solution

G R E D D F’s Financial Management Solutions support your business’s ambitions and objectives to maximise its potential.

Tailored to your business’s needs whilst being flexible, versatile and cost-effective.

Four solutions, individually tailored, objectively combined, or as a whole, provide the Financial Management necessary to your business throughout its strategic life-cycles to maximise its potential.

➕ Profitability maximisation.

➕ Focused financial strategy.

➕ Fact-based decision-making.

➕ Business wide financial management.

➕ Optimisation of financial systems.

➕ Precise financial modelling.

G R E D D F’s Financial Management Solutions

Fractional Finance Director Solution

A cost-effective alternative to employing a full-time Finance Director.

Finance Optimisation Solution

Ensuring your Financial Management systems and processes are efficient and effective.

Financial Modelling Solution

Evaluating your existing business and its future in line with its objectives and ambitions.

Data & Information Solution

Data is a key asset to your business, which when unlocked correctly can transform your business’s potential.

Maximise your business’s potential

✅ Profitability maximised

✅ Integrity maximised

✅ Decision-making maximised

G R E D D F’s Financial Management Solutions support your business through its strategic life-cycles providing the financial foundation required to maximise potential.


Setting where the business wants to be and how it will get there.

✅ Potential rationalised

✅ Decisive decision-making

✅ Financial foundations


The path to achieving the business’s goals and ambitions.

✅ Potential realised

✅ Integrity established

✅ Financial strategy


For the current strategy the business’s potential has been maximised.

✅ Profitability maximised

✅ Governance and risk management

✅ Financial stability


Formulating the next journey for the business.

✅ Reflect and review

✅ New ambitions and goals

✅ Transform potential

Fractional Finance Director Solution

Provides your business with a seasoned financial professional on a part-time basis.

Tailored to your business’s needs to provide Financial Management that will support your business to achieve its ambitions and objectives.

We understand the issues and challenges your business is facing - from starting up to the early stages of growth through to business maturity and exit strategy.

Affordable alternative to employing a full-time financial professional

Employing a full-time Finance Director is out of range for a large number of businesses. Our cost-effective solution provides your business the essential Financial Management it requires from a seasoned financial professional where you need them, when you need them, and how you need them.

Tailored Financial Leadership

Our flexible solution allows your business to scale its financial leadership to its specific needs. This provides the exact level of support during fundamental stages such as growth, restructuring, or strategic planning. For all types of businesses, this is cost-effective compared to employing a full-time Finance Director.

Focused Approach to Financial Strategy

This is not a short-term consultancy service. We bring a wealth of experience to your business, allowing it to benefit from Financial Management Solutions without committing to a permanent role. Our focused approach will ensure your financial plans align with your business’s objectives, contributing to its long-term financial sustainability.

Risk Management, Governance, and Compliance

We will assist you in safeguarding your business’s financial integrity. Ensuring that financial practices align with current laws and regulations, our service aims to mitigate financial risks and navigate the complexities of compliance.

✅ Flexible - When and where your business requires Financial Management.

✅ Versatile - Focused on what matters to your business.

✅ Cost-effective - All the expertise without the financial commitment of a full-time executive.

✅ Fast on-boarding - No lengthy interview process, notice period or payroll administration.

G R E D D F has the solution

Contact us now to book a free 30 minute discovery call

EMAIL info@greddf.co.uk TELEPHONE +44 7 4444 89289

Finance Optimisation Solution

Ensures your business’s Financial Management can efficiently and effectively support your business’s ambitions and objectives.

We provide guidance on how your business can optimise its finance function’s systems and processes, assist with implementing change, and finally provide a constant review process to ensure the heart of your business is protected through Financial Management.

Maximisation of the use of finance software

Ensuring the finance software is correctly configured, all appropriate functionality within the software is utilised and procedures are in place so that there is consistent use of the software.

Automated robust financial processes

We challenge your processes and offer the use of the latest software, tools and practices to improve efficiency.

Financial procedures are actively benefitting business processes

Financial procedures in place to ensure the accuracy of financial transaction, feedback loops to business functions that reduce future transaction issues, balance sheet analysis and reconciliations which are acted upon.

Integrating finance software with transaction systems

We can ensure that your transactions systems are integrating with your finance software in the most efficient and effective manner.

✅ Ensures Financial Function has the capacity for Financial Management.

✅ Accurate, reliable and timely reporting.

✅ Financial integrity and governance an integral part of the business.

✅ Blueprint future mode of operation for Financial Management.

Financial Modelling Solution

Tools to evaluate your business’s requirements, expectations and future in line with its ambitions and objectives.

Our financial modelling service provides flexible solutions for your business. However large, small or complex our models are built around robust protocols and designs. Combined with our other solutions they interface with business, financial and data & information strategies.

Tools for a bright future

We design, build and implement tools to sculpture a strong and bright future for your business.

Financial planning

Short to long term forecasting, cashflow scenarios and budget setting.

Pricing & profitability

Ensuring correct levels of margin are achieved to support the maximisation of profitability.

Business evaluation

Appraisal and insight for internal evaluations, portfolio acquisitions and business mergers.

Management & Executive

Information, KPIs and measure providing targeted focused insight into the all levels of business performance.

Debt & equity funding

Striking the correct balance of all funding sources available now and in the future.

✅ Complex calculations with user friendly and concise output.

✅ Easy to use while being versatile.

✅ Flexible with user protection.

✅ Aligned to business strategy.

Data and Information Solution

Unlock your business’s data, transforming it into fact-based decision-making information to improve efficiency and maximise profitability.

Data held in systems, applications, documents and spreadsheets is key to a business’s potential but retrieving and transforming it into decision-making information in a controlled manner requires expertise.

With our analytical expertise we have a proven track record of unlocking data and transforming it, so that it is correctly targeted and focused into insightful fact-based information about your business’s performance.


It is important to get the right balance between the IT department as a service provider and the rest of the business as a client when providing D&I Solution. Clear definitions of roles and responsibilities need to be put into place, ensuring that all parties enable efficient delivery of the solution.

Data governance

Data governance puts in place the protocols ranging from how data is stored and managed to the creation of information and its usage.

Data management

A metadata repository adds granularity and detail to the data asset inventory. Both data and information, KPIs and measures, are defined here.

Logical architecture

This provides the structure of how the data and information estate will transform data from source systems into the delivery of information.

Development cycle

Robust development cycles ensure that full requirements are gained, development is undertaken through approved process and the correct testing and sign-off occurs before going live.

Product catalogue

Based on the client’s data and information maturity the range of services available are defined.


Selection & evaluation, training, ownership and self service.

✅ Ensuring “One version of the truth”.

✅ Information is TA-DA; Timely, Accurate, Dependable, Appropriate.

✅ Establishing the right KPIs and measures for your business.

✅ Data governance & management.

G R E D D F’s Financial Management Solutions provide your business with risk management, governance and compliance. Safeguarding your business's integrity.

Integrity is key to a business’s success; strengthening negotiation position with suppliers, attracting new talent, providing customer faith and giving confidence to lenders.

✅ Integrity from practices being aligned with current laws and regulations.

✅ Integrity by governance promotes long-term financial viability.

✅ Integrity with compliance protecting assets, people and environments.

Additional Solutions

G R E D D F can become an integrated working component of your business that is essential maximising its potential.

Project Support

We will support your business in all stages of projects, financial or otherwise. From brain-storming through to implementation we ensure financial integrity is maintained and strengthened as part of each project.


From simple forms to complex financial models we can build robust spreadsheets for your business. Our spreadsheets are built on three underlying principles 1) Ease of data input 2) dependable information 3) secure output.


We can provide training on all areas of finance to help you, your employees and even your stakeholders to ensure that they understand the financials of your business and how they integrate with their role.