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🍤 Is Buying Food from a Local Shop Really Sourcing Local?

Sourcing local food has gained significant traction among restaurants. The idea is to support local economies, reduce carbon footprints, and provide fresher, higher-quality ingredients. Does it truly count as sourcing local for a restaurant?

Defining Locally Sourced

The term locally sourced can vary in definition, but it generally refers to food produced within a specific radius of where it is sold. This radius is often between 50 to 100 miles.

The Role of Local Shops

Local shops can play a crucial role in the local food supply chain. They often stock products from nearby farms and producers, making it convenient for restaurants to access local ingredients. However, the key question is whether these shops consistently source their products locally.

Buying from Local Shops

The main advantage of buying from local shops is convenience. Local shops provide a one-stop solution for restaurants to purchase a variety of ingredients. By buying from local shops, restaurants indirectly support local farmers and producers. Local shops often stock fresher produce compared to larger supermarkets.

There are some drawbacks. It can be challenging to verify the origin of products in local shops. The availability of local products can also vary, making it difficult for restaurants to rely solely on local shops for their supply.

Ensuring True Local Sourcing

To genuinely source locally, restaurants can take additional steps. Establishing direct relationships with local farmers and producers ensures transparency and consistency in the supply chain. Regular visits to farmers' markets can help restaurants source fresh, local ingredients directly from producers. A chef might visit a weekly farmers' market to handpick the freshest produce and meats. If feasible, restaurants can grow their own herbs, vegetables, or even raise livestock. This hyperlocal approach guarantees the origin and quality of the produce.

Statistics on Local Sourcing

The trend towards local sourcing is reflected in consumer preferences. According to a survey, 76% of adults are more likely to visit a restaurant that offers locally sourced food, and 79% prefer restaurants that offer healthy menu options. Additionally, 65% of millennials are more inclined to choose restaurants that provide locally sourced alcoholic beverages. In the UK, the revenue of local shops reached around £2.6 billion in recent years, highlighting the growing importance of local food markets. Furthermore, 58% of all food consumed in the UK had a UK origin in 2021 and 2022.


Restaurants aiming to truly embrace local sourcing should consider building direct relationships with local producers, visiting farmers markets, and even growing their own produce. This approach not only supports the local economy but also ensures the freshest and highest quality ingredients for their dishes.

Reference: 2024-0100-002